Hard to believe that we have been posting for one year. With over 150 posts, many multiple pages long, I realized that we have outgrown the Blogger site. In fact, we have written over 300 pages worth of housing analysis regarding foreclosures, housing psychology, and the intricacies of the current housing market. We have a wonderful and insightful community and I wanted to setup a site where communication will be much better and provide a place for a community to grow. I believe that we are only entering the first stages of a multi-year housing bear market. And since our friend Ben Bernanke is slamming the dollar, I decided to celebrate our 1 year anniversary by rolling out a new site by spending my now depreciated dollars because in a year, I may need to use a wheel barrel to purchase this same website. This weekend I was working away setting up the new website at www.doctorhousingbubble.com and making sure everything was up and working. Over at the new site, www.doctorhousingbubble.com we have the following new items:
· I’ve added a search feature to make it easier to search through our 150+ articles.
· I’ve added a forum which should be great for conversations that require more than a simple comment section.
· The posts are now easier to browse through via the archives section.
· I will be doing a weekly short-sale update.
Come take a look at the new site and let me know what you think. We will keep up this Blogger site for the meantime but will be adding new posts to the new site. But if you could please update your bookmarks to www.doctorhousingbubble.com, that would be great. If you are subscribed via Feedburner you do not need to do anything since we will update that information for you. What started out as a hobby has morphed into a fun and diverse community with over 160,000+ unique visitors a month. Thanks for making this a wonderful community and I look forward to posting new articles. I look forward to seeing all of you at the new site!